
SyedĀ  (27, London Professional)

1st Virtual Therapy Session.

Thanks again for a super helpful session.Ā Please see below some feedback for you!Ā 

Exceptional Experience with Roje Khalique

I've had a few sessions with Roje Khalique, and her approach is truly brilliant. Roje is kind, friendly, and easy to talk to, making our conversations both enjoyable and insightful. Her unique style stands out, and I'm already convinced she's the best therapist I've encountered.

Despite previous experiences with therapy, Roje's guidance has been a game-changer for me. She skillfully addresses the origins of negative thought patterns, offering practical strategies for improvement. I've noticed positive changes in my work, gained confidence to pursue new opportunities, and made significant strides in my relationships.

Being from a South Asian background, finding someone so relatable who just "gets it" has been invaluable. If you're considering therapy or feeling stuck, I highly recommend an introductory session with Roje Khalique. You won't regret finding someone so relatable and impactful.


Jo (27, London Professional)

13 Virtual Therapy Sessions for Relationship Anxiety & Self Esteem

Q1: What were your reasons for wanting to do therapy and what benefits did you get from completing the course of treatment with Roje?

I would get a lot of relationship anxiety and would overthink situations that I didnā€™t need to. Doing therapy with Roje has been the best think Iā€™ve ever done for myself, I feel the most myself Iā€™ve felt in years and no longer worry of get anxious in my relationship.

Q2: What alternatives did you consider at first before engaging with your therapist Roje. Did you have any doubts, if so, how were these addressed by Roje?

I tried to read articles online and self help books but they werenā€™t helping - Roje from day one was amazing and put me straight at ease, I could be very open with her and never felt judged. I also felt we looked at my situation with a very practical and proactive approach so I didnā€™t feel like there was something wrong with me that couldnā€™t be fixed. But that it was a journey we could work through together.

Q3. Before you reached out, did you imagine what it would be like to be in therapy and what was your experience of therapy?

I thought Iā€™d have to dig into my past a lot and get deep very quickly, however that wasnā€™t the case at all - it was actually very positive and all our sessions weā€™re about moving forward - we only spoke about my past when it felt right and essential to work through situations.

Q4: What impact has therapy had on the following areas of your life; work/home/social/private and family life?

Iā€™m 100000s times happier than I was - Roje taught me many techniques to help overcome my anxiety. It used to consume me all the time and now itā€™s almost completely gone - I actually canā€™t believe how much itā€™s helped and how much happier I am now. Itā€™s the best thing Iā€™ve ever done for myself.

Q5: Would you recommend Roje to others or consider working with her in the future, if so, please provide reasons why?

Yes, I would recommendĀ  Roje to everyone - sheā€™s is so warm, kind, approachable and trustworthy - I never felt there was anything I couldnā€™t share.

Q6: Any suggestions on how therapy can be easily accessible and improved in quality for people who have never engaged in therapy or worked with Roje before?

N/A - my experience was perfect in every way!Ā 


Hannah (40, Teacher (Maternity Leave)

7 Virtual Therapy Sessions for Anxiety Attacks

What were your reasons for wanting to do therapy/online trainingĀ and what benefits did you get from completing the course/treatment?Ā 

I felt incredibly anxious, was having panic attacks and felt like I was losing control of my worries. I was not sleeping, had no appetite and was worrying all the time.Ā 


What alternatives did you consider at first before engaging with your therapist Roje?

I spoke to a few friends and asked what they did as I knew they had struggled in the past with their anxiety. 2 friends said that they had done CBT and it had worked for them. One of them recommended Roje specifically.

It was really comforting that on the first session Roje said that she can help and that I had come to the right place. It was really comforting hearing that.Ā 

Before you reached out, did you imagine what it would be like to be in therapy/online trainingĀ or to work with Roje?

I had done therapy before but I really liked that I was able to see someone in the UK so online was a great option for me. I definitely preferred this therapy journey because Roje gave me actual strategies for how to cope with anxiety and also questioned some of my anxieties which it turns out stems from my childhood. It has changed my whole view on life.

Before I used to always think a terrible thing was going to happen to me or my family but I really liked it when Roje explained that I was over estimnating the likelihood of a situation and underestimating my ability to deal with it. I now think of this daily and it stops me from immediately thinking something terrible is going to happen. Ā I also really liked the graph of anxieties and to put a statistic to my worry, is it a 4 in which case this is a normal worry or is it an 8 which means it is becoming an anxiety and becoming out of control.Ā 

Where were you when you were thinkingĀ about the alternatives to therapy or working with Roje, what did you Google? Who else was part of that decision making process to engage in therapy and to work with Roje?

When I had therapy after my father died, it changed my life so ever since then I have always been a huge fan of therapy however I knew that how I was feeling was not going to be helped by counselling so I was trying to find a different approach. I didn't want someone to listen and just understand my problems, my husband and friends/sister are there for that. Instead I wanted someone who would help me get through this anxious time and set a game plan for any future anxieties.

My friend and work colleague said that she had had a very similar experience where she started struggling with parenting and losing control of her anxieties. She had done some CBT with Roje and so I spoke to her about whether she thought it would be a good idea for me. So then I reached out and managed to get an appointment.Ā 

Would you recommend Roje to others or consider working with her in the future, if so,Ā please provide reasons why?

100%! Roje is extremely kind, a great listener and sympathetic however she also gives actual advice about how to overcome your problems. She gave scientific equations and evidence to show what is happening in CBT and helps you come up with a game plan. Roje helped me to really think about why I was having these anxious thoughts gave me tools to overcome these.

I am a different person to where I was when I started and I know that everything I have learnt in the last 7 sessions will stay with me for the rest of my life. I would definitely recommend Roje to anyone, I actually think everyone in the world would benefit. It allows you to be more present and enjoy the moment as well as give you strategies to overcome genuine worries and anxieties.Ā 

Any suggestions on how therapy can be easily accessible andĀ improved in qualityĀ for people who have never engaged in therapy/online trainingĀ or worked with Roje before?

Money is definitely an issue - it is expensive and to do it through the NHS takes a long time and you might not get the luxury of choosing a therapist that would suit you. Also the Stigma of therapy..Ā 

I think people talking about it and being open about their own therapy helps to put it out into the open. I hadn't thought about it until my friend said she had done it and it really helped her. I then didn't know where to find a therapist but luckily she recommended Roje.

I really will be forever grateful to Roje, she has changed my life and has made me as a person, mother, wife and friend. I will definitely be recommending Roje to anyone who will listen to me!Ā 

Many thanks for everything.


Emma (30, London Professional)

10 Virtual Therapy Sessions for Low-Self Esteem & Low Mood


Dear Roje,

I wanted to write to you to share some feedback on my journey with you over the last 4-5 months.

When I started the therapy I felt low, a bit lost and somewhat helpless. I couldnā€™t understand why I felt this way. During our sessions you helped my unpick the reasoning behind many of these thoughts and helped me to use rational thought and logic to turn around my way of thinking.

Now, as I go forward with the next chapter of my life I feel like a new person. I feel confident in myself, my own abilities and my worth. I feel I will be able to be the best parent and partner I can be for the journey ahead.

Thank you for all you have done for me, and the positive impact you have had on my life. I hope others can see the value in therapy and my positive journey will inspire them to ask for help and support.

Wishing you all the best.



Scott (39, London Professional)

8 Virtual Therapy Sessions for Generalised Anxiety Disorder (GAD) & Work Related Stress


Q1: What were your reasons for wanting to do therapy and what benefits did you get from completing therapy with Roje?


ā€œI was exceptionally overwhelmed with financial concerns which was having an adverse effect on my decision making and how I was interacting with my family/friends/work. Through my time with Roje, I was able to get to the root cause of my concerns and apply those learnings to my everyday life. The net [positive] impact was immeasurable once I was able to understand WHY I was feeling the way I was and WHY I was making poor decisionsā€.


Q2: What alternatives did you consider at first before engaging with your therapist Roje? Did you have any doubts, if so, how were these addressed?


ā€œI was initially prescribed medication to combat severe anxiety / panic attacks but didnā€™t think that was a long-term solution for me. Roje explained how we would work together to uncover actionable insights which resonated well with the pragmatic side of my brain. I didnā€™t want to show up every week and just talk, I wanted to unpick the emotional responses I was having and understand how to address things from a different perspective. Roje was pivotal in doing that with meā€.


Q3. Before you reached out, did you imagine what it would be like to be in therapy and what was your experience of therapy?


ā€œI had had one prior experience with therapy, I went to a handful of sessions but it was not as interactive as I needed it to be. While the process was cathartic, to a degree, I simply sat on a couch and talked about feelings often leaving more unsure than when I arrived. My hope was the CBT would be a more interactive approach which proved to be the caseā€.


Q4: What impact has therapy had on the following areas of your life; work/home/social/private and family life?


ā€œIt has had an immediate and measurable impact on my work life. I am more positive about my position and excited for the future. By removing emotional responses to issues that inevitably arise (which are often my perception, not the reality) I am thinking more clearly and feel less prone to poor decision making. This, in turn, has provided a stable base for me to build from and, although nothing has materially changed, I have a new lease of (work) life.


For my home and family life, my ability to communicate honestly and openly has improved beyond anything I could have hoped for. There has been a very positive impact to the way my wife and I talk. Things feel more collaborative and inclusive. For my kids, they get the best version of me for the time I am with them. Iā€™m no longer clouded by emotions which I would often project onto themā€.


Q5: Would you recommend Roje to others or consider working with her in the future, if so, please provide reasons why?


ā€œI would absolutely recommend Roje to anyone looking to make a positive impact on their lives and unlock their emotional potential. Roje didnā€™t try to change me, which was made clear when we first met, she just unlocked the best version of me and gave me to tools to be the person I wanted to beā€.


Samantha (Teacher & Mother of two children under age 5)

12 Virtual Therapy Sessions for Intrusive Thoughts/Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)


Hi Roje,

Here is my feedback :)

Like many people I know, I reached a point of complete exhaustion and overwhelm. Having two young children I knew I needed to get some support.

Starting CBT with Roje was one of the best decisions I made. At first I was a bit hesitant as the only sessions we could make work were online, however I soon realised that this was actually the most effective way to do therapy, especially as a mum who didnā€™t have child care.

Rojeā€™s caring nature put me at ease straight away, and she has guided me through some of our own mental health holistically going forward. Not only do I feel more in control now, but I am at a point where I feel stronger emotionally, which at one point I didnā€™t think was possible and I know Roje was a big part to play in this! Its for me te really difficult moments.

Her approach is very practical with great analogies and visual support to help understand what is going on in your brain and how best we can manage, contemplate and evolve my approaches and thinking. I didn't really have any expectations before the CBT sessions so was pleasantlyĀ surprised and struggle to think what could be improved.


Helen (Overwhelmed & Burnt-out Mother with 2 children)

12 Virtual Therapy sessions for Work Related Stress, Burn-out, Anxiety & Depression



From the outset, you set clear objectives for us so I knew exactly what to expect.Ā  You were very clear in explaining to me the purpose of CBT and the outcomes I could personally achieve for myself after our sessions.Ā Ā Further, at the start of each session, you explain what we will discuss over the next hour.Ā  I feel this puts me at ease as I know what to expect.

Every session, we have discussed real life examples of situations where I have struggled and have needed help.Ā  This has been hugely helpful as I had been concerned our sessions would be 'general'.Ā  They are far from it!

In the last few minutes of each session, you summarise what we have discussed.Ā  I find this really helpful as some of the sessions (especially at the beginning) were quite intense and the recap allowed me to refocus.Ā  It also helped me to see how much I have learned from our sessions and it's nice to end on a positive note.

From a personable point of you, I think you have the perfect balance of being kind and firm.Ā  You allow me space to discuss my concerns but always focus on the solution.Ā  You have challenged my thought processes and often put me on the spot for answers.Ā  Whilst unnerving at times, this has demonstrated to me that the ability to change is down to me and the responsibility is my own.Ā  I have found this very empowering.Ā  You have given me the tools to change my negative thoughts and ultimately this has brought me out of my low mood.Ā 

Roje - I cannot thank you enough for your time, knowledge and empathy over the last few months.Ā  You are a wonderful person and I wish you all the very best!





Yolandi (27, London Professional)

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)


Q1: What were your reasons for wanting to do therapy and what benefits did you get from completing the treatment with Roje?


I wanted to do therapy because I was being serverly overwhelmed by the trauma that I had experienced and it was dramatically impacting my quality of life.


Therapy with Roje has been a wholly positive experience, firstly because it was the right time, I was ready to fully address what I had been through and more determined than Iā€™d been to heal from it. And secondly, because trauma CBT, despite being a harrowing experience, has helped me heal. I never thought I would be able to say that, but working with Roje has meant that I can. Iā€™ve been able to reclaim my life, Iā€™ve learnt to prioritise myself, to set and uphold boundaries to protect me and to process and acknowledge what happened without it being overwhelming or negatively impacting me.


Q2: What alternatives did you consider at first before engaging with your therapist Roje for CBT? Did you have any doubts, if so, how were these addressed by Roje?


I had previously done talking therapy. Trauma focused CBT was recommended to me after a mental health assement a few months after I had stopped. I did have some doubts to begin with. I had not heard a lot of positive things about CBT from people who had done it through the NHS. I also didnā€™t find it very warm to begin with and the clinical nature of it put me off, which meant that it took some getting used to.


I had doubts about whether weā€™d really dive into the trauma because it took us 6 weeks to really get into it, but Roje explained that we had to address the depression and anxiety that I was experiencing first ā€“ something that I understood in hindsight, because of how harrowing the recollection became ā€“ She helped me understand that they were a symptom of trauma as opposed to a root cause, which helped me understand what I needed to do to manage them so we could get to the real work.


She always explained what we were doing and why, which helped me understand and has only helped eluminate the success of our work together in hindsight.


Q3. Before you reached out, did you imagine what it would be like to be in therapy or to work with Roje?


A bit. Iā€™d had therapy before, so I assumed it would feel a bit like that. But CBT is very different to talking therapy in approach and feel. As I said, it initially didnā€™t feel that warm and was jarring. I think that was in part due to the clinical nature of it and the ā€˜getting to know youā€™ part where youā€™re still getting used to a new therapist. I was takenaback by how little room there is to talk about things that arenā€™t related to the reason why youā€™re there, even the things that feel like they are part of the issue, we very quickly separated them so we could focus. It was weird having less freedom in the topic of discussion and the way in which we spoke about it, especially when I didnā€™t feel like I had much to say on the subject.


Having said that, I look back and really appreciate that we did that because it helped me to organise my thoughts and memories, it helped me get to the root cause and it helped me understand where my feelings were coming from as opposed to mixing them up in different issues that really had nothing to do with it, or were related, but not the priority ā€“ and those are patterns of behaviour that I feel myself continue to benefit from having developed.


Q4: Where were you when you were thinking about the alternatives to therapy or working with Roje, what did you Google? Who else was part of that decision making process to engage in therapy and to work with Roje?


I called BUPA. They recommended trauma CBT, but I initially couldnā€™t find a therapist. Then things started getting worse so I went on my own search until I found Roje.


Q5: Would you recommend Roje to others or consider working with her in the future, if so, please provide reasons why.


Yes, I would recommend Roje and would ork with her again because she knows what sheā€™s doing and her methods work. I now get to reclaim and really start living my life, and while that is in large due to my being ready for therapy and putting in the work, it is also in large due to Roje, the support she gave, the space she created and the firm lines she drew to keep me focused so I learnt what I needed to heal, and also taught me to draw lines for myself in my own life, which will continue to benefit me in the future.


She was patient, she was kind and while I found the CBT approach cold to begin with, Roje herself was incredibly warm and Iā€™ll be forever grateful to her for the past few months working together.


Chris (35, London Professional)

10 Virtual Therapy Sessions for Sleep Insomnia & Anxiety



Q1: What were your reasons for wanting to do therapy and what benefits did you get from completing the course treatment with Roje?


ā€œI suffered from insomnia. I had sought Rojeā€™s help to get off sleeping pills and work towards reducing dependency on medication. We reduced my sleeping pill intake by 90%ā€.


Q2: What alternatives did you consider at first before engaging with your therapist Roje for CBT? Did you have any doubts, if so, how were these addressed by Roje?


ā€œI had seen other therapists before who practice CBT with little success. However, with Roje we made excellent progress.


Q3. Before you reached out, did you imagine what it would be like to be in therapy and what was your experience of therapy?


ā€œI have had therapy before. My experience with Roje was very light, enjoyable and active in finding working solutionsā€.


Q4: What impact has therapy had on the following areas of your life; work/home/social/private and family life?


ā€œGetting off sleeping pills has reduced my anxiety and irritability and significantly improved my mood ā€“ day to dayā€.


Q5: Would you recommend Roje to others or consider working with her in the future, if so, please provide reasons why?


ā€œAbsolutely! 10/10 experience really drastically improved my sleep quality and thus quality of lifeā€.


Reviews are 100% authentic.

Patient names have been changedĀ to protect our clients' privacy and maintain strict confidentiality.

Images are purely for illustrative purposes.
